Saturday, October 22, 2011

Redhook Copperhook

Redhook Copperhook
This is the second Redhook Ale Brewery brew we are reviewing .  We figured since we wrote talked about all four of their prominent brews we’d review them all.  As before see our review of the Redhook ESB for information regarding the Redhook Ale Brewery and check out their website to find their brew in your area: Redhook Ale Brewery

This beer is a Copper Ale style beer with an ABV of 5.8%, just like the ESB, with an IBU rating of 25.0.  The beer was first brewed by Redhook in 2001.  Redhook describes this beer as, “Who needs precious metals, when you’ve got Copper?!  This copper colored ale is a real crowd-pleaser.   Copperhook strikes the perfect balance of smooth, rich, malty flavor you’d expect from a craft beer with a lighter body and hop profile that makes it a perfect “session” beer when you’ve got a long day ahead of knocking back a few with your buddies.”

General information
Style:    Copper Ale
ABV:    5.8%
IBUs:    25.0
Color:    Dark golden/orange color with a white foam head

Mike’s Review
This beer came in a 12 oz. brown glass bottle just like the other one.  The beer is a dark golden/orange color with a white foam head that doesn’t stick around very long.  It has a very citrusy aroma to it smelling similar to an orange or a Blue Moon.  Just as the aroma is very citrusy the beer has a citrusy orange flavor to it that is very pleasant.  This beer has a sweet taste to it unlike the last one we have reviewed (ESB).  It has virtually no hop flavor/bitterness to it.  This is a great beer to sit around and watch some TV or sports with.  Decent beer if you like a sweet beer rather than a bitter beer. 

Matt’s Review
This is a golden copper color with a thin layer of foam. It doesn’t have a strong aroma whats so ever. It goes down the throat smooth and that is about it. A beer I would suggest if you were kicking it with your friends and want to try a new craft beer because you’re the DD. Then HEY, this is a good choice for you. Decent beer at best.

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